Sunday, 4 October 2020

Collecting Flowers for Tea

What nature gives I shall not waste...

Collecting flowers over the weekend, just before the wild Melbourne wind thrashes them around. I'm not planning to make more oil infusion for the near future so these will be dried for tea.

Super fragrant rose, Pope John Paul II. It's humongous as well. They are growing bigger every year.
I believe these are called Double Delight. They are not as fragrant but have pretty colours.
Lot of Calendula of course, they grow like weed in the garden, beneficial weed of course. They are also easy to control/weed out and if the flowers are collected early, then the seed spread can be minimised.
My trustee Lavender bushes that keep giving. The bees love them to bits and I have to trim them to keep the bees from scraping my son.
I gave the Calendula a bit of a wash in cold water before drying them lightly with tea towel and arranging them in drying tray.

I got to the roses before the bugs did so minimal washing went into this, only a bit of wipe with tea towels to shop away the odd bugs.

I also trimmed my Japanese Buxus and propagating more of them from the semi hard stems. I managed to get around a dozen new rooted cuttings last time, transplanted them, only to get the pulled out. They are positioned at the very front of the garden so I'm guessing it could be dogs. Anyways, I've propagated them successfully a few times so I'm sure I can do it again. But they take ages!!

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